Friday, November 12, 2010

TeamCity 6.0 RC1 (build 15673): .Net coverage and other improvements

As the release is close we are trying to share the current TeamCity state more frequently with you.

The version has "RC" in the footer to denote close release, while we are still working on fixes and minor improvements.

This release moves Swabra settings out of the build step settings into a new place called "Features". The "Features" section will also get XML test reporter settings soon. This new section is designed to hold settings not specific to any particular build step, but participating in the build behavior.

If you have a plugin for TeamCity which affects build behavior but is not specific to a build step, you can consider moving plugin settings into the section. See the sources of the mentioned plugins for an example.

For this build's changes review, see the release notes or dive into resolved issues in the tracker.

As we are approaching release we are extremely interested in any upgrade and stability issues with this build.

Want to ensure seamless upgrade of your setup to final TeamCity 6.0? Try upgrading your data with a test installation of this RC.

PS I was a bit quick to announce some surprise feature in the previous EAP post. Unfortunately, we decided to postpone it till future releases since it will require some more work (and your feedback too!)

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