Friday, December 12, 2014

TeamCity 9.0 (build 32060): 300 Days and 1200 Fixes Later

So TeamCity 9.0 is out and is available for download from the official site.

Make sure to check the upgrade instructions before doing the upgrade!

Here are some basic stats about the release:

  • about 1200 issues fixed in 9.0 (275 were also integrated into 8.1.x branch and released in 8.1.x updates)
  • almost 5000 changes were committed into the core codebase between 8.1 and 9.0 release (with another 3000+ changes affecting the bundled plugins)
  • 302 days has passed since 8.1 release (almost 10 month, well, let's hope this postmaturity makes the baby stronger :)
The team is celebrating but is attentive to any critical issues you file into the tracker or send us via email.

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