Friday, April 17, 2009

New build (8909): Release Candidate

We plan the release for the next week and here is a release candidate build. As one of the last changes we decided to perform rename refactoring on the version itself. With all the features and improvements since 4.0 we decided it can deserve to be called 4.5 instead of 4.1.

The only change we forgot to commit is a version displayed in the TeamCity footer: if you see 4.1 there distrust your eyes, it's 4.5, but masquerading :)

So, what's new?
- reworked tests grouping on the tests tab
- further improvements to LDAP synchronization (anyone to describe LDAP configuration to test completeness of our settings?)
- fixes, improvements and fixes again.

More in release notes.

If you try the build (please do), let us know about any issues uncovered in your environment.

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