Tuesday, July 21, 2009

TeamCity 5.0 Codename Darjeeling EAP is Open

Today we published the first build of TeamCity 5.0 EAP. It includes all the fixes of 4.5.4 and lots of new features and fixes.

  • Some obsolete projects cluttering the UI? — Archive them
  • Like to watch the build printing lines into console? — Now you can do that in TeamCity too.
  • Need easier integration with NCover or PartCover? — Now you get it in .Net-specific runners.
  • Shoulda understood how Cucumber is related to testing? — See the updated Rake runner settings.
  • Want to see TeamCity internal server logs? — Grab them form the web UI.
  • Need Java code coverage without class files instrumentation? — Use IntelliJ IDEA Coverage that is now bundled in TeamCity.

The complete list of new features is available on the EAP change log.

A bit of detail about the features that we want your feedback most about.

Issue tracker integration

We've added support for Jira, Bugzilla and Charisma (JetBrains tracker). If your favorite tracker is not listed you can add the support with a custom TeamCity plugin.

Once you configure the issue tracker connections on the Server Configuration > Issue Tracker page and specify a project key (e.g. "TW"), each TW-5286 -style text in the commit comments and build comments will get a drop-down with the issue details. Also, a build gets "Issues" tab with the list of the issues related to the build (mentioned in the commit comments). A Build Configuration page gets Issue Log tab much like Change Log.

TeamCity can determine in what build an issue is fixed. This works good provided each fix to an issue have issue id in the commit comment and the issue is resolved by the developer. (The build the issue is fixed in is obviously the last one with a related change.) If the issue is reopened or another related fix is committed, the issue will automatically be bound as fixed to the newer build.

Does this case suits your issue tracker usage scenarios? Do you want TeamCity to support other cases? Tell us what you think about it.

Eclipse and MS Visual Studio plugin changes

The Remote Run dialog was reworked in both. If you use one of these - tell us what you think so that we can consider your feedback and improve things before the release.

What's next?
The next EAP release will introduce enhanced Maven2 support and ability to create TeamCity backup right from the web UI. And there is more.

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Teamcity 4.5.4 bugfix release is ready

We've decided to release one more minor update to 4.5 branch to cover the issues found recently.

Please download it form the official site.

The list of the fixed issues can be found in the tracker.

Expect EAP for TeamCity 5.0 (codename Darjeeling) coming in a week or so.